Familiar History and Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Systematic Review

  • Natalia Ramírez Girón Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México
  • Esther Gallegos Cabriales Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México
  • Raquel Benavides Torres Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México
Keywords: Medical familiar history, Parental History, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Parental Transmission, Risk, Systematic Review


Introduction: The medical familiar history of diabetes is one of the factors that increase the risk to develop diabetes in the members of a family. It is important that, according to the published evidence, determine if type 2 diabetes risk in children increases for the familiar history from the mother in comparison to the diabetes familiar history of the father.

Methods: A narrative systematic review was done according to PRISMA with 19 articles, coming from the specific research strategy in PUBMED, OVID, and Academic Search Complete of EBSCO from English articles that will use descriptive, correlative, comparative designs, with results focused on the medical familiar history of diabetes and the risk to develop T2D in children and biological related indicators.

Results:  The medical familiar history of T2D from the mother’s side is more common in the families; to have a mother suffering from diabetes leads to a higher risk to develop T2D, HDL, LDL rise, lower acute response to insulin, and early diagnosis in children.

Conclusions: Knowing the impact of the mother’s side history of risk for T2D could be the specific and early key in the preventive actions to the children with mothers suffering from diabetes.

Author Biographies

Natalia Ramírez Girón, Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México

Doctor of Nursing Sciences, Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP.

Esther Gallegos Cabriales, Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México

Doctor of Nursing Sciences, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico.

Raquel Benavides Torres, Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla UDLAP, Puebla, México

Doctor of Nursing Sciences, Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Girón, N., Gallegos Cabriales, E., & Benavides Torres, R. (2021). Familiar History and Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Systematic Review. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 2(4), 20-40. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/cmsj/article/view/654