Emotional Intelligence asociation and Academic Performance in nursing students
Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, Students, NursingAbstract
Introduction. Emotional Intelligence asses people ability to rate and express emotions accurately.
Objective. To describe the association between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance in nursing students from a public university in Mexico.
Methodology. Cross-sectional descriptive study. 174 nursing students were considered, both sex; non-probability sampling. It was applied the self-report of Emotional Intelligence TMMS-24 with 24 items and three dimensions that asses clarity of feelings, emotional attention and emotional repair. It has Likert scale questions with 5 options; .90 of reliability coefficient. Data was processed in SPSS v. 25 obtaining prevalence. Chi square test was made in order to evaluate Emotional Intelligence with academic performance.
Results. 90% of the participants were women, the age of 20 to 22 prevailed, 32% of the participants studies and have a job. The dimension of emotional attention, it was acceptable for 46% of women and 53% of men; meanwhile in clarity of feelings it was acceptable for 40% of women and 47% of men; in emotional repair it was acceptable for the 51% of women and 35% of men. 58% has an average grades of 7 and 8 at the moment. Chi square test does not show significant data.
Conclusions. There is no link between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance. More than 40% of the students need to improve aspects related with the three studied factors.
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