Relationship between Depression and Quality of Life in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer



Depression, Quality of Life, Breast Cancer


Objective. Estimate the effect of depression on quality of life (QoL) in women diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Method. Quantitative, correlational and transversal. The data were obtained through the data sheet, the Beck Depression Inventory-II and the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire QLQ C-30 and its annex BR23. The sample was 110 women with Breast Cancer.

Results. 64.5% are between 39-58 years old, 64.5% have a partner, 76.4% are housewives.

50.9% did not have depression, 42.8% presented mild and moderate depression, while 6.4% presented severe depression. Regarding the QOL results, a mean of 76.8 was obtained in the global health status and a moderately negative and significant correlation was found between depression and the Global health scale (rho= -.306, p =.001). Depression explains 13% of the variance in QoL (adjusted R2=.13; F (1,109)=17.9; p ≤.0001) and symptoms (side effects, breast and arm symptoms, and hair loss ) explain 15% of the QoL (adjusted R2=.15; F (1,109)=20.9; p ≤ .0001).

Conclusion. There is a moderately negative but significant correlation between depression and the global health scale, a moderately high and very significant negative correlation between depression and QOL, in addition to a moderately high negative and very significant correlation between depression and the scale. of symptoms. Depression and symptoms generate a significant effect on QoL.


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How to Cite

Castillo-Rojas, K. L., Cordero-Sánchez, C., Reyes-Vázquez, M. de las M. N. ., Morales-Alducín, M. ., & Ramírez-Girón, N. (2024). Relationship between Depression and Quality of Life in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 6(11), 12–27. Retrieved from