Between cinema and literature: Santa María del circo of David Toscana, and Sawdaust and Tinsel of Ingmar Bergman

  • Karla Avilés Gutiérrez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Keywords: literature and cinema, David Toscana, Ingmar Bergman, Santa María del circo, Sawdaust and Tinsel, intertextuality


The relationship between cinema and literature has points of clear convergence several others where they contrast. Besides the fact that both disciplines possess a desire for narrativity, another way in which they can be linked is the intertextual relationship that they sustain through the events and phenomena that essay to reformulate a reality that they present to us through their discourse. The aesthetic symbol of the film is built thanks to the circus / theater duo, which allows us to establish the intertextual relationship with the novel, since both propose dichotomous relationships to represent the circus / society counterpoint, in the case of the novel, and the nomadic / established in Bergman's film.


Bajtín, Mijail M., Teoría y estética de la novela, Madrid: Taurus, 1991.

Baldelli, Pio, El Cine y la obra literaria, Italia: Galerna, 1964.

Bergman, Ingmar, Sawdaust and Tinsel, USA: The Criterion Collection, 2007.

Carmona, Ramón, Cómo se comenta un texto fílmico, España: Cátedra, 1991.

Casetti, Francesco y Di Chio, Federico, Cómo analizar un film, España: Paidós, 2007.

Cassetti, Francesco, El film y su espectador, España: Cátedra, 1996.

Gorostiza, José, Muerte sin fin, México: Seix Barral, 2002.

Toscana, David, Santa María del Circo, México: De bolsillo, 2003.
How to Cite
Karla Avilés Gutiérrez. (2018). Between cinema and literature: Santa María del circo of David Toscana, and Sawdaust and Tinsel of Ingmar Bergman. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1(2), 359-371. Retrieved from