The Taste Memory of Traditional Breads in San Baltazar Campeche

  • María del Rosario Fernández López ISU Universidad, Puebla, Puebla, México
  • Manuel Mondragón Sánchez ISU Universidad, Puebla, Puebla, México
Keywords: Taste Memory, Traditional Bakery, Heritage


The detonation that occurs in the human brain, when identifying certain smells and flavors linked to pleasant memories, allows us to recognize that there is a region of the human mind linked to preserving and dating everyday aspects such as the baking processes in San Baltazar Campeche, where master bakers from different generations have chosen to preserve processes and the elaboration of bread varieties to serve their consumers, who are long-established families, with at least three generations living in the area, the taste memory that is encourages in the traditional bakery of the geographical area survives as a heritage that preserves its own characteristics and makes them have an important relationship between master baker and consumer families.

Author Biographies

María del Rosario Fernández López, ISU Universidad, Puebla, Puebla, México

Chef Instructor specializing in Mexican and Puebla Cuisine, graduated with a degree in Restaurant Management from the Instituto Veracruzano de Alta Cocina, Master's Degree in History from the Instituto de Estudios Universitarios and Master's Degree in Mexican Cuisine from ISU Universidad. She completed the Diplomas "History of Puebla" with the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture and the BUAP, as well as the Diploma of Specialization in Mexican Gastronomy at the School of Mexican Gastronomy ESGAMEX, the Diploma "Kitchens and Food Culture In Mexico: Social Uses, Meanings and Ritual Contexts, 2nd Edition by the National School of Anthropology and History ENAH-INAH, and the Diploma Course "Latidos de la Cocina Tradicional Mexicana", at LEM: Centro de Producción de Lecturas, Escrituras y Memorias (Center for the Production of Readings, Writings and Memories).

Manuel Mondragón Sánchez, ISU Universidad, Puebla, Puebla, México

Consultant, Gastronomic Producer and Chef Instructor. He has worked as a Gastronomic Producer for television programs on and Canal 22. He has a degree in Tourism and a Master's Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management from ISU University, he has also taken courses in: Neo-Baroque Writing Workshop at the International Museum of the Baroque, Writing and Documents in Colonial Ibero-America at the Complutense University of Madrid; Food, Gastronomic Culture and Creativity at the Ferrán Adrià Chair of Gastronomic Culture and Food Sciences at the Camilo José Cela University, Madrid Spain, as well as the Certified Meetings Specialist at the Intercontinental University, recognized by CONPEHT, AMDEM, and SITE Mexico Chapter.


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How to Cite
Fernández López, M. del R., & Mondragón Sánchez, M. (2023). The Taste Memory of Traditional Breads in San Baltazar Campeche. Mirada Antropológica, 18(25), 90-100. Retrieved from