Nursing process in the level of anxiety of the patient in the preoperative period
Nursing, Take Care, Anxiety, Preoperative periodAbstract
Introduction. Anxiety is a normal sensation that the person perceives in threatening situations, such as the surgical event. Approximately 80% of patients who undergo surgical treatment trigger emotional reactions such as fear, insecurity or concern, factors that can influence the recovery process. Objective. Provide nursing care to the patient in the preoperative period based on scientific evidence to reduce the level of anxiety and contribute to the development of safe surgery. Methodology. This is a case study, which was carried out using the methodology of the nursing process in its five stages. Case presentation. A 44-year-old woman diagnosed with right breast cancer scheduled for modified radical mastectomy. The assessment was made by physical examination and the level of anxiety was measured with the APAIS scale. Nursing diagnosis: Anxiety related to a surgical event evidenced by the manifestation of uncertainty, fear and concern. Expected results: Self-control of the level of anxiety. Nursing interventions: Relaxation therapy, therapeutic communication and knowledge of the therapeutic process. Conclusion. The interventions were supported by the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), which contributed to providing care in an organized and systematized manner and obtaining positive results.
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