Systematic review: Inclusion of peers in the prevention of alcohol consumption.

  • Jorge Alberto Magdaleno Escalante Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)
  • Ma. del Rocío Baños Lara Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)
Keywords: Peer, Alcohol drinking in College, Nursing, MeSH



Introduction. The consumption of alcohol and its different practices, such as periodic intensive consumption, among university students is a growing trend. In these harmful patterns of alcohol consumption influence peer pressure, which in different health programs has been used positively.

Methods: the PICO clinical question posed was: in university students (problem and intervention), the presence or absence or peer counselors (comparison) influences the effectiveness of preventive intervention of alcohol consumption (result)? A systematic review was carried out, in the MEDLINE / PubMed, CINAHL, COCHRANE and Scopus databases. The limits of the search were works published in the last 10 years and which were written in English or Spanish.

Results: three hundred and twenty titles were identified, and eleven final studies were chosen from alcohol prevention intervention, such as the motivation interventions, personalized feedback and brief advice, guided by "peer" counselors as facilitators. These studies showed effectiveness in decreasing consumption among university students.

Conclusions: the results highlight preventive programs on alcohol consumption in university students where even peer counselors reduce the consumption of these beverages, as well as problems related to alcohol.


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How to Cite
Jorge Alberto Magdaleno Escalante, & Ma. del Rocío Baños Lara. (2019). Systematic review: Inclusion of peers in the prevention of alcohol consumption. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 1(1), 19-35. Retrieved from