Burnout syndrome in workers of the Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública.

  • Jorge Alberto García Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Enfermería
  • Ma. Alejandra Hernández Castañón Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales
  • Ruth Magdalena Gallegos Torres Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Enfermería
Keywords: Burnout professional, Occupational health, Work load, Maslach Burnout, MeSH


Introduction: Burnout syndrome represents a Public Health problem with great social and labor repercussion, however there are few studies that address work exhaustion in health workers who do not work in a hospital institution.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in workers of a state laboratory.

Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study carried out in workers of the State Public Health Laboratory (LESP) of the state of Querétaro, Mexico. Maslach Burnout Inventory was used; sociodemographic variables were analyzed. The confidentiality and anonymity of the participants in the study was guaranteed.

Results: From a sample of 36 workers it was observed that the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome was 28.5%, with greater frequency in female sex (64.7%), married (80%), with 1 child (50%). The predominant level of education is undergraduate. The position with the highest prevalence of the syndrome is in chemical analysts with more than five years of institutional seniority and three years in the same position.

Conclusion: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in this study is moderate, expected result according to data from other studies (26% to 40%) in health personnel, so it is proposed to carry out an educational intervention program and exercises posture that contributes to the reduction of stress and levels of stress do not increase leading to depersonalization or other stages. In this regard, it is necessary to act with many alternatives.


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How to Cite
Jorge Alberto García Martínez, Ma. Alejandra Hernández Castañón, & Ruth Magdalena Gallegos Torres. (2019). Burnout syndrome in workers of the Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 1(1), 6-18. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/cmsj/article/view/70