The proper name for our discipline: Introducing Nurseology


  • Jacqueline Fawcett Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Afaf Meleis University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelpha, PA USA
  • Peggy L. Chinn University of Connecticut Storrs, CT USA

Author Biographies

Jacqueline Fawcett, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

RN; PhD; ScD (hon): FAAN; ANEF.

Professor, Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Boston.

Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Afaf Meleis, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelpha, PA USA


Dean Emerita and Professor of Nursing and Sociology.

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.

Philadelpha, PA USA.

Peggy L. Chinn, University of Connecticut Storrs, CT USA

RN; PhD; FAAN. Professor Emerita, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA.

Editor, Advances in Nursing Science

NurseManifest Activism Project



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How to Cite

Fawcett, J. ., Meleis, A. ., & Chinn, P. L. . (2020). The proper name for our discipline: Introducing Nurseology. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 1(2), 11–13. Retrieved from