Distortion in maternal perception of weight in children attending IMSS day care centers in the Northern Border of Mexico
Perception, Preschool, Nutritional Status, Body WeightAbstract
Introduction. Distortion in the mother's perception of her child's nutritional status could influence adherence to treatment to regularize the child's weight.
Objective. To analyze the association between the mother’s perception of the weight and actual weight of her three-year-old preschool child attending day-care centers.
Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study, with the participation of 157 binomials (mother/child). Descriptive statistics of sociodemographic data and an analysis of association by means of the Chi-square test and Odds ratio were performed.
Results. A significant association was found between negative maternal perception (inadequate) and children who are forced to eat (p< .000) (OR=3.4). In contrast, the same association was found between positive perception (adequate) and NOT forcing the child to eat (p< .008) (OR=3.4).
Discussion. the results obtained confirm existing evidence in other studies; conducted in Thailand, Chile and Mexico, as well as systematic reviews of qualitative and quantitative studies where more than 25% of mothers underestimated their child's weight.
Conclusions. Nutritional alteration was found in 33.7% of preschoolers, being overweight the one with the highest incidence. Within this 68% of the children were underestimated by their mother’s despite having normal weight.
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