Tobacco Use and Nicotine Dependence in Nursing Professionals



Tobacco Use, Dependence Nicotine, Nursing Staff Hospital


Introduction. Tobacco consumption is a public health problem in Mexico due to the increase it has presented in recent years, and nursing professionals in particular are not exempt from incorporating the consumption of the substance into their habits to the point of dependence.

Objective. To identify the type of tobacco use and nicotine dependence in nursing professionals of a second level hospital in northern Mexico.

Methodology. A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, a non-probabilistic convenience sample was used in which 120 nursing professionals were selected from a second level of care hospital. A data questionnaire and the FagerstrÖm instrument were used to identify nicotine dependence.

Results. The age of onset of consumption was 18.13 (SD =3.14), they usually consume 5.82 cigarettes in a typical day. Of the nursing professionals, 52.5% have used tobacco at some time in their lives, 33.3% in the last year, 29.2% in the last month and 25% in the last 7 days. Twenty-nine.2% had occasional use and 16.7% had daily use. They showed low nicotine dependence (f = 33). By sex, men presented significant differences (p <.05), by position, shift, professional experience did not present significant differences (p >.05) with respect to prevalence and types of tobacco use.

Conclusion. Nursing professionals experience tobacco use, daily consumption and nicotine dependence.


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How to Cite

Castillo-Martinez, G., Morales-Cruz, . L. F. ., Arriaga-Martínez, J. L. ., Aspera-Campos, T., Lara-Pérez, R. ., & Morelos-García, E. N. (2024). Tobacco Use and Nicotine Dependence in Nursing Professionals. Cuidado Multidisciplinario De La Salud BUAP, 6(11), 46–62. Retrieved from