Self-care and use of personal protective equipment in nursing professionals during COVID-19 in Peru
Self-care, Personal Protective Equipment, COVID-19, BiosecurityAbstract
Introduction. The pandemic has been faced worldwide, mainly nursing, who stood out for being involved in the direct care of infected people 24 hours a day. However, these cares increased the risk of becoming infected and spreading the disease four times more, despite the use of personal protective equipment (UEPP) and their Professional Self-Care (AC). Objective. Determine the relationship between Self-Care and Use of Personal Protective Equipment by nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Hospital in Chiclayo, Peru. Methodology. Descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional design. The fixed population was made up of 226 nursing professionals (PE) who provide direct care for patients with COVID-19. Sampling was random and the sample was probabilistic consisting of n=67 PE. The information was collected through the survey technique and as an instrument the questionnaires on the AP and the UEPP, with a Likert scale, validated by experts and a pilot study. Results. there was a Pearson correlation of r=.469, with a significance level of p<.05, for the AC Professional and the UEPP. Conclusion. There is a positive and significant relationship between both variables.
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