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Learning english in Mexico in the times of cancelled educational reforms: Can technology be the answer?

February 23, 2021
September 15, 2019


Our country’s standpoint regarding the instruction of English as a foreign language had never been as clear as it was two years ago when the National English Program was first announced. This proposal consists of implementing a communication-oriented approach to the formal instruction of English as a foreign language from pre-school to basic education levels. However, we are facing a situation of uncertainty regarding the future of English teaching and learning in our country. This paper addresses the importance of English for our country and the background of the apparently imminent change of direction in the efforts to help elementary school students to communicate in English. It also presents a perspective of the elements needed to learn English in contexts similar to ours, where it is not an official language and is taught using a communicative approach based on studies about learning English as a foreign language. Finally, this paper concludes by presenting a brief comparison of the possible technological tools that the new government program may adopt.


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