The Mezcal Production as a Constituent Element of a Territory within the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere: Review of Similarities between Two Populations

  • Ana Beatriz Serrano Zamago Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Doctorado en Bioética, México
  • Elena Nieva Sánchez Cooperativa Cuezcomate, Oaxaca, México
  • Víctor Hugo Romero Aranda Cooperativa Cuezcomate, Oaxaca, México
Keywords: Mezcal, Biocultural Heritage, Territory, Cultural Trait


In some regions of Mexico, the traditional preparation of the mezcal drink is considered part of the biocultural heritage. However, its large-scale production and consumption has currently put it in danger of disappearing. With the purpose of generating work strategies focused on the conservation, preservation, and protection of the vegetable resource mezcal is made of, it is necessary to understand how biocultural heritage is formed from the concept of territory. Thus, the objective of this work is to define this concept based on material evidence on how the maguey papalomé-potatórum has been used in the preparation of the mezcal drink in two indigenous populations settled in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve (RBTC).

Author Biographies

Ana Beatriz Serrano Zamago, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Doctorado en Bioética, México

Ana Beatriz Serrano Zamago is a Master in Physical Anthropology from the ENAH and a doctoral student in Bioethics from the UNAM. She has been part of the Transfunctional Group in Clinical Ethics of the CMNSXXI of the IMSS since 2010. She is a founding member of the Cuezcomate cooperative and co-director of the “Maguey papalomé-potatórum conservation project in the town of Santa María Ixcatlán, Oaxaca”. He is currently part of the Academy of professors of the postgraduate course in Bioethics of the Higher School of Medicine of the National Polytechnic Institute and the University of Health. His lines of work and interest are tacit knowledge, clinical bioethics, and environmental and animal ethics.

Elena Nieva Sánchez, Cooperativa Cuezcomate, Oaxaca, México

Elena Nieva Sánchez is an archaeologist from the ENAH. Participant in the "Xochimilco Archaeological Project" directed by Dr. Mari Carmen Serra Puche (2006-2007) and in the project "Ethnic-archaeological identification of the pre-Hispanic inhabitants who settled in the Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley", directed by the Mtro . Carlos Lazcano Arce (2007-2009), both from IIA-UNAM. Copy and style corrector in the Promotion and Communication Unit of the UNAM Institute of Engineering (2012-2015). Proofreader of private technical and scientific texts from 2008 to date. Founding member of the Cuezcomate cooperative and co-director of the “Maguey papalomé-potatórum conservation project in the town of Santa María Ixcatlán, Oaxaca”.

Víctor Hugo Romero Aranda, Cooperativa Cuezcomate, Oaxaca, México

Víctor Hugo Romero Aranda is an archeology intern at ENAH. He collaborated for six years in the project "Man and his resources in the Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley during the Formative and Epiclassic" directed by Dr. Mari Carmen Serra Puche, from IIA-UNAM. Founding member of the Cuezcomate cooperative and co-director of the “Maguey papalomé-potatórum conservation project in the town of Santa María Ixcatlán, Oaxaca”.


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How to Cite
Serrano Zamago, A. B., Nieva Sánchez, E., & Romero Aranda, V. H. (2022). The Mezcal Production as a Constituent Element of a Territory within the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere: Review of Similarities between Two Populations. Mirada Antropológica, 17(23), 103-127. Retrieved from