If Zapata Lived. Memories of the Zapatista Revolution in Localities of Morelos

  • Imelda Aguirre Mendoza Programa Nacional de Etnografía, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (PRONE-INAH), México
Keywords: Collective Memory, Space, Time, Memories of Pain, Emiliano Zapata


This text recovers aspects of the collective memory that exists about the times of the revolution and the figure of Emiliano Zapata in Yautepec, Tlayacapan and Villa de Ayala, Morelos. The proposal of Maurice Halbwach is taken as a basis, in which collective memory is understood through the analysis of temporal and spatial frameworks and the events that have left their mark among the members of specific societies and groups. Will be noted that many of these memories are inscribed within the memories of greater pain that the inhabitants of the workplaces still have, so will be understood under the category of memories of pain.

Author Biography

Imelda Aguirre Mendoza, Programa Nacional de Etnografía, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (PRONE-INAH), México

She has a doctorate in Anthropology by the National University Autonomous of Mexico. Their main lines of research are systems Mythics and rituals in teenek populations of Querétaro and San Luis Potosí, the construction of memory and the territory in communities indigenous people of Mexico. It was researcher in the Ethnography Program of the Indigenous Regions of Mexico of the INAH, in the teams regional Querétaro and Center-North (San Luis Potosí). It is currently part of the National Program for Ethnography (PRONE-INAH). She is the author of the book The Power of beings. Organization social and hierarchies in a teenek community of the Huasteca potosina.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Mendoza, I. (2022). If Zapata Lived. Memories of the Zapatista Revolution in Localities of Morelos. Mirada Antropológica, 17(23), 39-61. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/856