Between “San Nicolás Tolentino” and the Jaguar. A Cult to the Rain in Zitlala, Guerrero

  • José Ramón Espinosa Julián Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Guerrero, México
Keywords: Devotion, Acculturation, Ritual, Ethos


The first Christian novohispanic worshiping were intimate associate to the natives and ancestral gods distinctive from the nahuas, otomies, mayans, mixtecs ethnic groups which religious diversity and thus the cult to the nature’s forces, they managed to blend their deities along with the occidental saints. It was a long and slow religious assimilation process, whose most of the people in “Zitlala” (place of stars), embraced their own way to reinterpret a religious catholic system, such as the system impose in the middle of the sixteenth century, it started off with the evangelization labor of the augustinian friars “Jerónima de San Esteban” and “Agustin de la Coruña”, in Zitlala, Chilapa and Tlapa, towns whose nowadays are found in the high and low part of the mountain region in the state of Guerrero. Subsequently to this process in Zitlala, starts a very particular cult to “San Nicolás Tolentino” town’s main saint, which them worship, nonetheless sharing this cult with the already worshiped jaguar, through the connection of the mesoamerican men and the nature surrounding them which interpret and comprehend. Despite of the sudden changes because of the covid-19 pandemic the Zitlala township proceed to assembly in honor to this cult which is significant to their day to day.

Author Biography

José Ramón Espinosa Julián, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Guerrero, México

Degree in Social Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), with honorable mention. Master in Latin American Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (FFyL-UNAM). Teacher and researcher since 2014 in the Bachelor of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro). His research focuses on: studies of religiosity in New Spain, idolatry and superstitions in the 17th and 18th centuries, anthropology of religion, Latin American philosophy, Latin American emancipatory projects of the 19th century, and history of education in the state of Guerrero. Author of the articles; "Religion in the context of modernity", in Thought and Literature in Guerrero (Mexico: Ediciones Eón-UAGro, 2014) and the need for teaching philosophy: situation and challenges in the face of violence in Guerrero, in Altamirano Magazine, not. 47 (Mexico: H. Congress of the State of Guerrero, 2017); among other publications. He carried out a research stay sponsored by CONACYT at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) in Lima, Peru. He is currently Academic Deputy Director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UAGro. Member of the Philosophical Association of Mexico (2016) and the Mexican Circle of Professors of Philosophy (2015). Speaker at congresses, colloquiums, meetings and national and international seminars.


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How to Cite
Espinosa Julián, J. R. (2022). Between “San Nicolás Tolentino” and the Jaguar. A Cult to the Rain in Zitlala, Guerrero. Mirada Antropológica, 17(22), 109-126. Retrieved from