Chinantec Charm: Ethnography of the Patronal Feast of San Juan Lalana. Oaxaca

  • Jesús Abrahm Mora García Universidad de Guadalajara, Licenciatura en Antropología Social, Guadalajara, México
Keywords: Feast, Patron Saint, Community, Treat


The patronal feast is a fundamental part of the social life of San Juan Lalana, Oaxaca, where every year the memory of its patron saint San Juan Bautista is celebrated. With the annual festivities this town strengthens its community ties through cooperation and mutual support, it also provides a joyful incentive to its inhabitants to continue with their ordinary activities, because for four days the town refreshes itself with music, dance, food, and drink. In addition, with their multiple symbols, rites, and traditions, they express the depths of the Chinantec culture, which is solemn, religious, but also joyful and festive.

Author Biography

Jesús Abrahm Mora García, Universidad de Guadalajara, Licenciatura en Antropología Social, Guadalajara, México

Student of the degree in anthropology with orientation in social and linguistic anthropology from the University of Guadalajara.


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How to Cite
Mora García, J. A. (2022). Chinantec Charm: Ethnography of the Patronal Feast of San Juan Lalana. Oaxaca. Mirada Antropológica, 17(22), 88-108. Retrieved from