"The promise" of the offerings and otomí ritual landscapes of Ixhuatlán de Madero

  • Santiago Bautista Cabrera Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, doctorado en Historia y Etnohistoria, Ciudad de México, México
Keywords: “El Costumbre”, Vows, Cosmovisión, Ritual Landscape, Ixhuatlán de Madero


This article describes certain rituals performed by Otomí groups that inhabit the municipality of Ixhuatlán de Madero, Veracruz, in the Southern or Huasteca Baja region. By using etnhnographic data, I propose to analyze the use of the concept of “promesa” (vow) and its function within the cult of sacred sites that structure the Otomi ritual landscape. It should be noted that “las promesas” are carried out within “el Costumbre” and involve the development and display of different phases during certain periods of time. These include pilgrimages to sacred mountains, caves or water sources in order to make offerings to the entities that reside there and obtain their protection and “favors”.

Author Biography

Santiago Bautista Cabrera, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, doctorado en Historia y Etnohistoria, Ciudad de México, México

National School of Anthropology and History, doctorate in History and Ethnohistory. Periférico Sur y, Calle Zapote S / N, Isidro Fabela, Tlalpan, 14030 Mexico City, CDMX. bautista.santy@gmail.com Doctoral student in History and Ethnohistory, at the ENAH. Master in Mesoamerican Studies from UNAM. Degree in Intercultural Management for Development from the UV-DUVI. First place in the contest for the Testimonial Interview Chronicle: Miguel Barnet, Festival de la Palabra 2016, at the uv-Faculty of Spanish Letters, DUVI and IVEC. Special Mention in the "Nohemí Quezada" award for the best master's theses on Otopames villages 2018 of the academic committee of the International Colloquiums on Otopames. His current research is focused on Otomí ritual praxis and the cult of sacred sites in Ixhuatlán de Madero, Veracruz.


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How to Cite
Santiago Bautista Cabrera. (2020). "The promise" of the offerings and otomí ritual landscapes of Ixhuatlán de Madero. Mirada Antropológica, 15(18), 56-74. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/464