The olihaptical construction of urban dwells. The multisensory spacing

  • Mariana Figueroa Castelán Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología Social
Keywords: Urban ways of living, olihapticity, sensory system, territory, cultural landscape


The rivers are one of the elements of poblano urban landscape since the founding of Puebla city. At first, the former San Francisco River delimited the center of Spanish political, economic and religious control of the territory allocated to indigenous assemblages that were kept outside both trade relations, and services. Currently, the southern of the city is crossed by the Atoyac River resulting in two metropolitan areas: Atlixcáyotl Territorial Zone and the extension of the 11 Sur Avenue. The river-border defines ways of living and change the territory from urban models that lead to particular sensory systems that speak to the diversity of dwell. In each metropolitan axis a common system of urban experience is generated through sensitive frames (olihapticity) which territorializes in these urban housing models (Residential, clubhouse or Town Center, versus Housing Unit) and are in sensory systems dichotomy as for economic co-dependency relationships and your reference as complementary world order.

Author Biography

Mariana Figueroa Castelán, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología Social

The author is a Master in Social Anthropology from BUAP. He is a professor at the FFyL College of Social Anthropology and belongs to the Academic Research Seminar "Spaces, Territories, Places and Sociocultural Processes", as well as the Organizing Committee of the First National Congress of Spatialities: Territories, Mobilities and Conflicts to be held in the city from Puebla in March 2016.


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How to Cite
Mariana Figueroa Castelán. (2017). The olihaptical construction of urban dwells. The multisensory spacing. Mirada Antropológica, 12(12), 51-63. Retrieved from