The dialectic places of memory-located/lugarizada memory; an approach to the evocative processes cholultelca territorial conflict

  • Laura Penélope Urizar Pastor Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología Social
Keywords: Memory, place of memory, memory lugarizada, territory, conflict


The territorial conflicts settled between the institutions of the State and the communities and groups that inhabit a territory have positioned themselves as a central issue in the analysis and interpretation of contemporary societies. Thus the territorial conflict that is currently at issue in the Cholula territory allows to bring to the discussion of space and territory the concepts of place of memory and memory lugarizada and its dialectic evocative realize the importance that comes to memory and its dimensions evocative to establish a process of territorial defense through strategies and tactics of Defense anchored to the memory and the evocaciones to the inhabit Cholula produces actors social.

Author Biography

Laura Penélope Urizar Pastor, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología Social

The author is a Master in Social Anthropology from BUAP and a teacher in the Food Anthropology Specialty of the College of Social Anthropology. His line of research focuses on the study of conflict and its relationship with space.


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How to Cite
Laura Penélope Urizar Pastor. (2017). The dialectic places of memory-located/lugarizada memory; an approach to the evocative processes cholultelca territorial conflict. Mirada Antropológica, 12(12), 24-35. Retrieved from