The new frontier of intersex surgery

  • Katiria A. Pintor-Jimenez Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Ana M. Ortiz-Santiago Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Juan Carlos Jorge Universidad de Puerto Rico
Keywords: Intersexuality, genitals, genital surgery, genital anatomy, hypospadias


The surgical reconfiguration of the genitalia is still a standard intervention in the management of human intersexuality. In this paper, we present a case study of an adolescent with hypospadias who had required multiple surgeries to illustrate the latest thinking of biomedical knowledge and intersex knowledge on genital surgeries. We noticed that cosmetic criteria will not be sufficient to justify surgical interventions for the management of intersexuality and its variants, which will allow for further questioning and discussion about the management and optimal treatment of medical conditions associated with human intersexuality beyond genital appearance. We conclude that a greater appreciation for the aesthetic of genital variations will, possibly, impose a new frontier to intersex surgeries.

Author Biographies

Katiria A. Pintor-Jimenez, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Physician. Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico

Ana M. Ortiz-Santiago, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Physician. Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico.

Juan Carlos Jorge, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Doctor. Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite
Katiria A. Pintor-Jimenez, Ana M. Ortiz-Santiago, & Juan Carlos Jorge. (2018). The new frontier of intersex surgery. Mirada Antropológica, 13(15), 6-16. Retrieved from