Towars a Refoundation of Poetry Criticism

  • Evodio Escalante Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, México
Keywords: Mexican poetry, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, poetry and tradition, modernism, blank verse


This article proposes to reconsider the figure of Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera as the founder of modern Mexican poetry, from whom the great figures of Ramón López Velarde and José Juan Tablada would emerge, the so-called symbolic parents, Adam and Eve –according to Xavier Villaurrutia. Through a review of various poems by Gutiérrez Nájera, the greatness of his poetic work is demonstrated as an Aeolian harp with many tones: romantic, parnassian, modernist, decadent and even satirical. As of these manifold forms, the multifaceted poet inaugurates several traditions of modern Mexican poetry that boast against the inevitable pain of the capitalist reproduction. In a sense, it's the same thing as what Karl Marx proposes in Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, a reproduction process that produces the same capitalist relationship: the capitalist and the wage-earner or, as the case may be, the traditions and the writer.

Author Biography

Evodio Escalante, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, México

Evodio Escalante (Durango, 1946) is an essayist, poet and literary critic. He obtained his doctorate in Mexican Letters from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM in 2001 with a thesis on José Gorostiza. He wrote the chapter on the avant-garde in Mexican poetry of the 20th century in Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana coordinated by Dr. Trinidad Barrera (Madrid, Cátedra, 2008) and discovered the lost copies of Irradiador. Revista de vanguardia. Proyector internacional de nueva estética, published by the estridentistas in 1923, of which a facsimile edition was made at UAM-Iztapalapa (2012). His most recent books are Las sendas perdidas de Octavio Paz (Mexico, Ediciones sin Nombre/UAM-Iztapalapa, 2013; 2nd. ed. 2014), Crápula (Mexico, Ediciones La Otra, 2013), Las metáforas de la crítica (Mexico, Gedisa/UAM, 2015) and Cinco cumbres de la poesía mexicana. Acuña, Othón, Gorostiza, Sabines, Bonifaz Nuño (Monterrey, Los Bastardos de la Uva/Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2017).


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How to Cite
Escalante, E. (2023). Towars a Refoundation of Poetry Criticism. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 6(11), 9-32. Retrieved from