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Año 8 No. 23 Mayo - Agosto 2022


June 19, 2022
June 20, 2022


Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites. Antibiotic resistance is generated by the incorrect use, or overused, of these compounds to treat bacterial infections. When antimicrobial drugs are used intensively, bacteria adapts and are capable for growing in the presence of popularly prescribed antibiotics. The intensive and long-term used of antimicrobial drugs is probably the main reason for the emergence and spread of highly antibiotic-resistant nosocomial infections. Recently, it has been observed an increase in multidrug resistant bacteria infections, becoming a serious healthcare problems. Infections produced by multidrug resistant bacteria may contribute to many serious  illnesses, from long-term hospitalization, to a considerable increase in treatment costs, and failure in treatments. One of the pathogens described as highly incident in nosocomial infections, identified as multidrug resistant bacteria with a bad prognostic in immunosuppressed patients, is Staphylococcus aureus, It is characterized by being the main cause of nosocomial bacteraemia in the world.  Another pathogen responsible for many pneumonia cases in children and adults is Streptococcus pneumoniae. Actual information about the resistance mechanisms and genes acquired by bacteria to survive antibiotic effects remark the importance and urgency of finding alternative therapies against nosocomial infections, including those produced by multidrug-resistant bacteria. Generation and propagation of multidrug-resistant bacteria must be prevented by severe restrictions in their medical use, respecting antibiotics prescriptions, including the number of doses ingested over a given period of time, and avoiding auto-medication.


Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, multidrug-resistance, bacteria, antibiotic



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