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Coeducation, digital media and health contingency 2020

May 4, 2021
September 15, 2021


The health contingency being experienced in Mexico because of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, has caused education in Mexico to modify its traditional structures. Let's remember that a year ago, the first Covid-19 infection was reported in Mexico and it was on March 14, 2020, that the National Healthy Distance Day was launched, with the purpose of reducing infections in the social sectors of our country. The situation has proven to be complex, especially among those who have fewer economic resources in Mexico, since many families lack computers or tablets, with few cell phones that have served as a means of communication between teachers and students. According to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, 20.1 million homes have Internet connection, however, 70.1% of the population aged six years or older in Mexico is a user of this tool, which represents an imbalance between users and those who have Internet at home.

The lack of economic resources, confinement and the stress caused by the pandemic have combined to generate a climate of tension in many homes in Mexico, causing cases of violence due to the beliefs and stigmatization of roles that have been inherited over the years, for women and men.

Key words: Coeducation, confinement, Covid 19, digital media.


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