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Año 10 No. 28 Enero - Abril 2024


February 4, 2024
January 7, 2024


The use of technology within the teaching-learning process has a very important role; currently, it is an essential element at all educational levels. For this reason, the demands, in terms of reflection, of the ways of teaching and learning have exponentially increased. Today, it can be seen that the use of technology as a tool in education goes hand in hand. Increasing exponentially the expectations that can be generated, from the user experience to being able to navigate, depending on the degree of knowledge that it offers to generate information. And thus provide the indicated material. For this reason, Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (SHA) are an option to consider in the educational field. This because their objective is to build a learning space capable of adjusting to the particularities of each student, thus constituting a unique form of interaction and reciprocity. Between the subject and the educational hypermedia, establishing itself as a powerful didactic resource. The SHA allows us to analyze, both individually and in groups, the history of use according to browsing, domain, interests, response time, and even hits. This is done automatically, generating adaptations according to the detected characteristics of each user, leaving in evidence the flexibility of content in response to the needs of each of the students.


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Drissi, S., y Amirat, A. (2016). An Adaptive E-Learning System based on Student's Learning Styles: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), 14(3), 34-51. doi:10.4018/IJDET.2016070103

Luckin, R., y Holmes, W. (2016). Intelligence unleashed: An argument for AI in education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(3), 193-194.

Medina N., y García-Cabrera, L. (2016). A taxonomy for user models in adaptive systems: Special considerations for learning environments. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(2), 124-141. doi:10.1017/S0269888916000035

Robinson, K. (2015). El arte de enseñar. En K. Robinson, Escuelas Creativas (págs. 143-177). Barcelona: Travessera de Gràcia.

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Wilson, C., y Scott, B. (2017). Adaptive systems in education: a review and conceptual unification. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology.