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Año 10 No. 28 Enero - Abril 2024


January 15, 2024
January 7, 2024


At the level of population growth, we have observed the increase in the amount of products as they are part of our lives on a regular basis. Whether at home, at work, in the street or even in the yard, the use of different chemicals is increasingly observed. Some substances pose a public health risk. Endocrine disruptors are part of these substances, which can alter the hormonal system of the human organism and generate its dysfunction. These can cause different diseases related to women's reproductive health, as well as disorders in men, metabolic disorders, neurological diseases, thyroid cancer or cardiovascular disorders. The effects created in the body are cumulative and irreversible and can be transferred from generation to generation, without proving the pathology.  This article investigates about pollution in aquatic environments, with emphasis on everyday products with the presence of these endocrine disruptors in their content, such as the various effects caused to humans and marine life, to mention a few: sunscreens in which recent studies indicate that they could be bioaccumulative, persistent and toxic, also drugs, this is because most of them present aromatic rings in their structure. Therefore, it is believed that it is important to have an idea about these endocrine disruptors to look for the reduction of pollutants, as well as their use in everyday products.


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