From Exomitopoetics to Ecocriticism. The Ecological Turn in the Poetry of Víctor Toledo

  • Jorge Eduardo Márquez Murad Investigador independiente, Puebla, México
Keywords: Ecological Turn, Ecocriticism, Mythical Symbolic, Ecopoetics


This essay is derived from a doctoral research on the work of Mexican writer Victor Toledo, belong in to the generation of poets born in the 1950s. This research, which explores in particular the use and appropriation of the mythical symbolic in poetry of this author, and its ethical and aesthetic consequences, also allows reflected on the role nature plays in his work. In sum, what is intended here is to show the presence of the ecological turn in a mythical context in which the slogan and resistance on the environmental issue do not appear as such, or at least not as in most of the so-called ecoliterature or ecopoetics. There is, yes, a permanent valuation of nature as a vital force and antidote against the emptiness of existence in a contemporary world characterized by saturation.

Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Márquez Murad, Investigador independiente, Puebla, México

Humbolt High School Director.

As a poet and essayist, he has contributed to newspapers and cultural magazines in his country and in Latin America. He has published five books: Grab and Bind, 3D, Eleusys Zen, Introduction to Multipolarity, Christkind Tsunami. He is a Doctor in Hispanic American Literature and also has studies in music and pedagogy.


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How to Cite
Jorge Eduardo Márquez Murad. (2020). From Exomitopoetics to Ecocriticism. The Ecological Turn in the Poetry of Víctor Toledo . Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 5(9), 48-59. Retrieved from