And yet it doesn´t move. An Approach to Edmund Husserl´s Genetic Phenomenology

  • Alba Baro Vaquero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, estudiante de Doctorado en Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Madrid, España
Keywords: Genetic Phenomenology, Science, Responsibility, Earth


The purpose of this paper is to develop a reading and exposition critical of the main ideas proposed by Edmund Husserl in his text The Earth doesn´t move, which belongs to the so-called genetic phenomenology. As such, the essay, written in 1934, constitutes a discussion with the positive science and its vision of the cosmos, and allows to make a review all the topics that during the post-war period became central to Husserl´s thinking: the history, the body, the world, and the others. Finally, the paper tries to highlight the validation and the capacity of interpellation that the Husserlian opuscule still maintains, especially regarding the defense of the Lebenswelt and the ethics of responsibility adopted by the phenomenology in its last phase towards the scientific worldview.

Author Biography

Alba Baro Vaquero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, estudiante de Doctorado en Filosofía y Ciencias del Lenguaje, Madrid, España

Alba Baro Vaquero has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Valladolid. He studied the Master in Advanced Studies in Philosophy taught by the University of Valladolid, as well as the Master in Philosophy of History at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He is currently doing a doctorate in Philosophy and Language Sciences also at the Autonomous University of Madrid.


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How to Cite
Alba Baro Vaquero. (2019). And yet it doesn´t move. An Approach to Edmund Husserl´s Genetic Phenomenology . Graffylia, Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 4(7), 72-83. Retrieved from