Amoxcalli. Revista de teoría y crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana
Invites contributions with articles, critical notes, translations and reviews
1.- Objective. The objective of the journal is to publish original and unpublished articles of national and foreign authorship that give account of research work on the different literary manifestations and the new objects of study that have emerged within the broad and varied panorama of literary studies and their interdisciplinary variants. We also wish to disseminate translations of works published in other languages whose relevance enriches the current panorama of literary theory and criticism or the publication of reviews of relevant works that contribute to the dissemination of specialized knowledge.
2.- About the collaborations. Amoxcalli, Revista de teoría y crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana welcomes contributions from graduate students, professors and researchers. They must be original and unpublished, and not in the process of being reviewed by another journal. Articles or critical notes on literary theory, analysis, literary criticism, reviews and translations are eligible for publication. We welcome contributions in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
3.- Evaluation. The articles and critical notes received will first be subject to an editorial opinion and will then be judged by academic experts in the field; reviews and translations will be subject to an editorial opinion only. Both the author+s name and the name of the reviewer+s will remain anonymous. The average turnaround time for the review of articles or critical notes will be two to three months. Regardless of the results of the review, the author will receive the opinions of the referees in writing. In case of acceptance with changes, the acceptance of the article will be subject to the completion of these changes within 20 calendar days after receiving the notification.
4.- Publication rules:
Academic articles:
I.- Length. The length of the articles should be between 12 and 20 pages (letter size) including footnotes. Tables, charts and images are not part of the length of the article; for their use, the author must make sure that their rights of use are in force.
II.- Style. Amoxcalli, Revista de teoría y crítica de la literatura hispanoamericana has its own style manual that helps with the proper management of documents and their references. Please consult the "Manual de estilo para recepción de artículos en Amoxcalli" (click here to download it) as well as the "Página de modelo" (click here to download it) which illustrates the main style indications.
Critical notes:
I.- Length. The length of the critical notes should be between 8 and 10 pages or 3600 words maximum.
II.- Style. It should follow the same style standards as academic articles (citation, typography, spacing), except that critical notes do not have an abstract on the first page. A critical note does not have all the critical apparatus of an article since it is usually a work in progress but well founded in the study it presents.
Translations and reviews:
I.- Length. The maximum length of translations should be 20 pages (letter size). In the case of reviews, the length should not exceed 4 pages or 1200 words maximum (letter size).
II.- Style. It is important to note that translations must have the legal permission of the respective authors. The texts reviewed should not be more than three years old with respect to the issue of the journal in which the respective review would be included. Likewise, both reviews and translations must comply with the same editing requirements as academic articles.
5.- Contact. Contributions should be sent to the e-mail address, indicating in the title whether it is an article, critical note, review or translation.