The versified life of Sebastián de Aparicio. An approach to the Metric Epilogue by Francisco de Arrieta


  • Esmeralda Brizuela Baiz Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, México


Francisco de Arrieta, New Spain’s poetry, Epílogo, métrico, Sebastián de Aparicio, poetry in Puebla


The Epílogo métrico by Francisco de Arrieta is a tribute to the life and virtues of Sebastián de Aparicio, highlighting his miracles and exemplary character. Through his octosyllabic verses, Arrieta narrates the life of the blessed Sebastián de Aparicio, emphasizing his relationship with the divine and his work as a farmer. The objective of this investigation is to interpret the Epílogo métrico, clarifying the meaning of archaisms and unused expressions, references to other texts and allusions to the miracles and actions of Sebastián de Aparicio. Likewise, it will take an approach to the configuration of form, exhibiting the main structural characteristics of the poem.


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How to Cite

Brizuela Baiz, E. (2024). The versified life of Sebastián de Aparicio. An approach to the Metric Epilogue by Francisco de Arrieta. Amoxcalli, Revista De Teoría Y Crítica De La Literatura Hispanoamericana, 7(14), 123–135. Retrieved from