Puebla spaces in the Mestizo Chronicles of New Spain
spaces of Puebla, Muñoz Camargo, Alvarado Tezozómoc, Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Mestizo ChronicleAbstract
This article analyzes how some of the ethnic groups that are part of present-day Puebla are described and represented in some Mestizo Chronicles written during the colonial period at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. By reading Historia de Tlaxcala (1592) by Diego Muñoz Camargo, Crónica Mexicana (1598) by Hernando Alvarado Tezozómoc, and Historia de la nación chichimeca (c.1625) by Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, we will identify the discursive features and rhetorical means through which some of the first images in Mexican literature were created, in order to know how some cultural groups of Puebla were perceived through the mestizo focalization generated by different colonial subjectivities such as those of the aforementioned writers.
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