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Fight against Huachicol

A reading club as an example of collaborative work between our university and a public school center

February 19, 2021
January 15, 2019


The Education Reform in Mexico envisions that students acquire knowledge, abilities, and skills consistent with the current Knowledge Society. Therefore, the New Educational Model has given greater importance to the subject of language and communication. The graduation profile in this area also includes the implementation of Information and Communication
Technologies as a basic tool. In this regard, the Faculty of Electronic Sciences at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), through a Doctoral Degree in Systems and Educational Environments, is carrying out an action research project in collaboration with a Public School Center in Puebla. The objective of this project is to introduce Reading Clubs in basic and secondary education throughout the School Cycle 2018-2019. The purpose of these clubs is that students can develop a literary competency aided by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).


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