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Año 6 No. 16 Enero - Abril 2020

Are they emotions or are they feelings?

November 12, 2020
January 15, 2020


This document is an article of scientific dissemination and therefore aims to give a greater scope of information on the subject of emotions and feelings. In the following pages, different elements of this theme are discussed, starting with the neurological configuration of emotions from the role of the limbic system, its components and function. Then the importance of sociocultural factors for the elaboration of emotional responses and their expression, which are regulated according to the context and specific space of each person, according to the approaches of some authors from the line of the anthropology of emotions. There is also a brief discussion of the concepts of emotion and feeling, as well as the conclusions reached on this debate, and finally, the relevant role that emotional intelligence has taken in the study of emotions in recent years is outlined. , as well as its impact on today's society in schools, companies, and coaching, aimed at children and adults.


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  2. Goleman, D. (2018). La inteligencia emocional. Porque es más importante que el cociente intelectual. México: Penguin Random House Editorial.
  3. Le Breton, D. (2013). Por una antropología de las emociones. Revista latinoamericana de estudios sobre cuerpos, emociones y sociedad. (10), (pp. 67-77).
  4. López, D., Valdovinos, A., Méndez, M. & Mendoza, F. (2009). El Sistema Límbico y las Emociones: Empatía en Humanos y Primates. Psicología Iberoamenrica, vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 60 – 69.
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  6. Real Academia Española. (2019). Sentimiento. Diccionario de la lengua española. Consultado en
  7. Saavedra, J., Díaz, W., Zúñiga, L., Navia, C. & Zamora, T. (2015). Correlación funcional del sistema límbico con la emoción, el aprendizaje y la memoria. Morfalia. Vol 7, No. 2, pp. 29 – 44.