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Año 6 No. 18 Septiembre - Diciembre 2020

Transgenic soybean: potential dangers and realities

October 26, 2020
September 15, 2020


The use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has increased since 1997 intending to reduce costs in the use of herbicides without taking into account the risks that their management implies, such as balancing ecosystems and modifying communities in the rhizosphere. The United States is the number 1 country in the production of genetically modified soybeans and its tolerance to herbicides has been studied along with the impact caused by their crops. With this, it has been possible to identify potential risks such as horizontal gene transfer and reduction in soil fertility. Soybean cultivation represents an important percentage in the agricultural field, and it is for this reason that exhaustive studies are required to ensure that its consumption is safe.


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