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Año 6 No. 18 Septiembre - Diciembre 2020

Development of purple sweet potato varieties under the perspective of phenotypic plasticity

September 29, 2020
September 15, 2020


The aim of this study is to record the morphological traits of six varieties of purple sweet potato from various origins from the perspective of phenotypic plasticity in the community of San Félix Hidalgo, Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico. The results show that the allocation of resources in the vegetative, reproductive and tuber structures of the purple sweet potato varieties from Chilapa, Guerrero; Huaquechula, Puebla; Santa Isabel, Cholula, Puebla; and Tlacuilotepec, Puebla grown for 10 years in the community of San Félix Hidalgo, Atlixco, Puebla has higher values than the Atlixco variety, which reveals higher levels of plasticity. These varieties are good prospects for the production of purple sweet potato in the region of Atlixco.


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