
Mankind display, acquires multiple natures. His life, his acts, his products, his objects and his beliefs are multiple and heterogeneous. His geography is historical, moral, religious, aesthetic, political or linguistic. Man is a symbolic animal. Anthropology is, perhaps, the most quixotic attempt to learn the human experience in its globality and diversity. In its historical unity and in its cultural particularity.

Mirada Antropológica is a proposal to see man, or rather, men. It is an act of perception of the place. To be amazed is the root of all knowledge. Mirada antropológica is an attempt to sculpt an anthropological knowledge about society and its cultural particularity. To underline the identity. To notice its human essence and nature. To notice its past and to distinguish its symbolic expression. Anthropological gaze is not absent from the theoretical, philosophical and methodological discussion of our discipline. It is in its interest to polemicize in the field of thought and scientific thoroughness. We aspire to be an organ of reflection of contemporary anthropologies. Likewise, we pursue the dissemination of research on culture in its multiple expressions. That access to this anthropological look. That the history and culture of the region and the nation be of daily consumption. That our historical-cultural memory be incorporated into our daily life. Because that is what identity is: self-knowledge. In this way, Mirada antropológica brings together two places: culture and thought, a necessary duality to advance in the anthropological knowledge of our history.