Linking Networds: Human Economy and Possible Territories. Replicable Pollination in Thousands of Places all around the Word. The Novattera Case (Spain)

  • Horacio Bozzano Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CONICET, Argentina
  • Christian Mecca Universidad de Navarra, Programa de Emprendimiento Social, España
Keywords: Latin America, Territorii Method, Spain, Transformative Science


The goals of this article are: to share the synergetic power of linking networks; to recognize the articulations between both the Human Economy and the Possible Territories perspectives; to share a few of the results from Novaterra’s journey, with the purpose of identifying spaces that could be pollinated for the initiative on the different collectivities on Latin America and other continents; and to introduce three pillars of the network Territorios Posibles to the dialogue between networks, initiatives and transformative science. This publication is organized in six parts: 1-the meaning of linking networks, 2-etymologies and conscience, 3-background and histories of the networks, 4-networks: cooperation and synchronicities, 5-Novaterra’s road since 1995, 6-closing and opening.

Author Biographies

Horacio Bozzano, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CONICET, Argentina

Ph. D. in Geography (Sorbonne Paris III University). Professor at the National University of La Plata and Senior Researcher at CONICET (Argentina). His research topics are: Territorial Justice, Possible Territories, Praxis and Transformation.

Christian Mecca, Universidad de Navarra, Programa de Emprendimiento Social, España

Social Entrepreneurship Program (IESE Business School University of Navarra). Degree in Administration (University of Buenos Aires) CEO Novaterra Grupo. His research topics are: Social Entrepreneurship and Triple Impact Companies, Responsible Consumption and Sustainability.


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How to Cite
Bozzano, H., & Mecca, C. (2024). Linking Networds: Human Economy and Possible Territories. Replicable Pollination in Thousands of Places all around the Word. The Novattera Case (Spain). Mirada Antropológica, 19(26), 4-30. Retrieved from