A model of analysis for the study of cofinent: spatialized symbolic interactionism

  • Martha Ivett Pérez Pérez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología
Keywords: Confinement space, social representations, senile, body, social institution


The article’s objective is to propose an anthropological model of theoretical analysis for the studying the confinement spaces and its social representations. On basis of, contemplating the confinement as a sociocultural construction on isolation of physical and social remoteness that generates various ways to conceive and represent it. This purpose consists in two parts. On one hand, with the construction of categories such as: institutionalized confinement; lived confinement and socio-spatial representations of confinement; institutionalized and objectified representations; it is aim to characterize the confinement in a social experienced institution for older adults as well as to characterize the determination that social representations serve in it and vice versa. On the other hand, the approach that I have called specialized symbolic interactionism focus on the interaction that senile people establish with others spaces and community. This generates images, concerning, senses and meanings attributed to their immediate social reality.

Author Biography

Martha Ivett Pérez Pérez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Colegio de Antropología

Master in Social Anthropology from BUAP. His lines of research revolve around space, confinement, and social institutions. Member of the academic research team "Spaces, Territories, Places and Sociocultural Processes".


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How to Cite
Martha Ivett Pérez Pérez. (2017). A model of analysis for the study of cofinent: spatialized symbolic interactionism . Mirada Antropológica, 12(12), 111-127. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/133