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Año 7 No. 19 Enero - Abril 2021

Tortillas: A beneficial source of calcium for cardiovascular diseases in Mexico

March 18, 2021
January 15, 2021


Nixtamalization is a traditional process that consists of adding lime to corn while maintaining a high level of pH and temperature. The addition of calcium hydroxide incorporates calcium into the dough and, thus, improves its nutritional value. Tortillas, made of corn kernels, are a type of nixtamalized food highly consumed in Mexico. They provide an average Mexican person with 49.1% of calcium in their daily diet. Calcium is important for people’s health, especially in conditions such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). This work explores the presence of calcium in tortillas and its role in cardiovascular diseases, which are conditions affecting Mexican people nationwide. To sum up, tortilla intake is an important source of calcium for the human body.


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