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Fight against Huachicol

Serious games as an educational tool to teach children suffering from ADHD

February 12, 2021
April 30, 2019


Currently, Information and Communications Technologies as educational tools are part of the pedagogical strategies necessary to enable learning in children at school age. The objective of this paper is to show the reader how technological tools, particularly serious games, have proven to be efficient for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to improve learning and develop their academic potential. By applying teaching strategies, educators must
facilitate training and learning with the use of technology and teaching methods that allow them to build knowledge creatively and dynamically on children. The incorporation of technology in the teaching-learning process depends on the educators’ ability to create an appropriate atmosphere with effective strategies and, thus, encourage students to organize and manage their own activities and learning processes creatively, effectively, and critically.


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