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Vol 10 (2024): Special Postgraduate Issue ICUAP


March 4, 2024
April 24, 2024


The English language serves as the lingua franca for the ongoing training and continuous improvement of professional and academic personnel in all areas of health. English is recognized as a requirement for the admission, continuation, and graduation of health students, and as such, educational institutions have policies regarding language proficiency for their candidates. This work aims to explore the role of English language certifications in postgraduate health programs affiliated with the National Postgraduate System of the National Council of Humanities, Science, and Technology (SNP-CONAHCYT) in Puebla, Mexico. All existing health programs in Puebla were explored regarding entry, continuation, and graduation requirements to find information about the required English language certifications. It was found that there are 22 postgraduate programs in four institutions; 12 of the postgraduate programs explicitly indicated the requirement for an English certification, two did not specify such a requirement, and eight did not explicitly mention requiring a certificate or language proficiency. Specializations and master's degrees required lower levels (A2 to B1), while doctorates required a higher level (B1+ to C1). It is concluded that uniformity in English language proficiency requirements in the health field in Puebla still has areas for improvement. There are no standardized criteria, even within the same institution. The high variation in requirements means that postgraduate students may have academic training in areas of opportunity.  The English language serves as the lingua franca for the ongoing training and continuous improvement of professional and academic personnel in all areas of health. English is recognized as a requirement for the admission, continuation, and graduation of health students, and as such, educational institutions have policies regarding language proficiency for their candidates. This work aims to explore the role of English language certifications in postgraduate health programs affiliated with the National Postgraduate System of the National Council of Humanities, Science, and Technology (SNP-CONAHCYT) in Puebla, Mexico. All existing health programs in Puebla were explored regarding entry, continuation, and graduation requirements to find information about the required English language certifications. It was found that there are 22 postgraduate programs in four institutions; 12 of the postgraduate programs explicitly indicated the requirement for an English certification, two did not specify such a requirement, and eight did not explicitly mention requiring a certificate or language proficiency. Specializations and master's degrees required lower levels (A2 to B1), while doctorates required a higher level (B1+ to C1). It is concluded that uniformity in English language proficiency requirements in the health field in Puebla still has areas for improvement. There are no standardized criteria, even within the same institution. The high variation in requirements means that postgraduate students may have academic training in areas of opportunity.


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