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Año 10 No. 28 Enero - Abril 2024


February 9, 2024
January 7, 2024


The purpose of this article is to present some historical background and philosophical
foundations of the Theory of Objectification (TO), as well as its main components
and conceptual contributions in the ontological, epistemological, educational, methodological
and evaluative areas. The justification for this derives from the existing
lack of knowledge about this theory among mathematics teachers who, in the case of
Mexico, face the challenges of the new national educational model called New Mexican
School, whose principles promote an education with a critical, humanistic and
communitarian sense. In relation to the method, a documentary type of research was
carried out, so a qualitative content analysis of some articles written by the creator
of the TO was performed and in which its fundamental constitutive elements are
exposed. Among the findings, it was possible to identify that this theory is part of
the contemporary sociocultural theories of Mathematics Education and that, based
on dialectical materialism, it conceives mathematical knowledge as a social, cultural
and historical process; therefore, it distances itself from traditional teaching and
constructivism. It is concluded that, by re-signifying the teaching-learning process
of mathematics, as well as the teacher-student relationship, TO is located within an
educational project that seeks to form reflective, critical and ethical subjects aimed
at social transformation. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers who teach mathematics
at all educational levels know the foundations of TO in order to guide their
pedagogical practice in a transformative sense.


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