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Año 9 No.26 Mayo - Agosto 2023


May 22, 2023
May 1, 2023


At the San Baltazar Lagoon, located in the south part of the city of Puebla, actions such as the replacement of trees and the removal of exotic or invasive birds are carried out in order to improve the site conditions and increase the conservation value of local biodiversity. The investigation analyzes the birdlife dynamics of the place during the second part of December 2021 and the first trimester of 2022. We calculate the Shannon diversity index and dominance using the program PAST 4.0 from Oslo University to know the behavior of the bird community during the winter period. In addition, a comparative study was made considering the results of the single previous study available, which dates back to 2008. We sighted 583 individuals belonging to 45 species. The Mexican duck was the species with more individuals (Anas diazi). The study is focused only on one season of the year; however, it reports a species richness equivalent to 97.8% related to the annual birdlife dynamic of San Baltazar Lagoon, registered a decade ago. In relation to the species, it is necessary to mention that 28 sightings were not previously reported in that area, and besides that, an increase in endemism levels has been found, which might indicate a rise in the conservation value of the site of study.




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