Festive Acts and SARS COV-2 in Mexico City

  • Ismael Pineda Peláez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Doctorado en Antropología, México
Keywords: Urban Festive Acts, Festive Practices, SARS CoV-2, Socio-digital Networks, Mexico City, Racism, Discrimination


The appearance of SARS CoV-2 has shocked the majority of the world's population due to its devastating effects on the physiological condition of human beings. In addition to this first affirmation or staging, the pandemic has aggravated socio-cultural problems that can be seen through different ways of acting, apprehending, feeling and inhabiting the great metropolises. The objective of this article is to highlight the tensions that have developed during the pandemic between some residents of the Pueblo del Peñón de los Baños who have carried out festive acts and a sector of the citizenry that has disapproved of holding civic or carnival celebrations to the northeast of Mexico City. The festive acts will serve as an analytical channel to reveal phenomena historically solidified in Mexican society such as discrimination, racism and classism. Based on an analysis of some comments exposed in socio-digital networks (Facebook, YouTube), it is argued that the city and its actors concentrate different ways of dealing with the pandemic, but, above all, the health emergency shows how the city has been characterized throughout its history; a dissimilar space, polarized and often misunderstood by the parties that make it up. The health crisis is an analytical bulwark that allows to expose sectors of society in a perceptive and practical contest in the urban dwelling that encompasses them.

Author Biography

Ismael Pineda Peláez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Doctorado en Antropología, México

Ismael Pineda Peláez is a doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology at UNAM, a Master's in Anthropology from UNAM, and a graduate in Social Sciences from UACM. Participation in various projects and diagnoses on native peoples, popular festivals and indigenous communities residing in the north of Mexico City. Topics of interest: conflict, identification processes, civic, religious and carnival festivals in the urban space, position of the researcher in the field, reflexivity and anthropological ethics. National Autonomous University of Mexico (Postgraduate in Anthropology).


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How to Cite
Pineda Peláez, I. (2022). Festive Acts and SARS COV-2 in Mexico City. Mirada Antropológica, 17(23), 158-176. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/862