Huejotzingo Carnival: Changes and Continuities in the representation of the “The Rapture of the Lady”

  • Jorge Escamilla Udave Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Maestría en Antropología Social
Keywords: Carnival, Huejotzingo, Bandit, Continuities, Tourism


From a historical and anthropological perspective, a comparative analysis of dramatized representation of the legend of the bandit Agustín Lorenzo is proposed, which is an integral part of the Carnival of Huejotzingo, presumably for one hundred and fifty-two years (1868- 2020). Changes, continuities and adaptations experienced; and on the influence that research and tourism produced from the post-revolucionary stage, a forging combination of a steretypical image on the local identity product of the carnival, which transcends to this day.

Author Biography

Jorge Escamilla Udave, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Maestría en Antropología Social

Doctor in Anthropology from the ENAH. Postdoctoral candidate for the Master's in Social Anthropology at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).


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How to Cite
Jorge Escamilla Udave. (2020). Huejotzingo Carnival: Changes and Continuities in the representation of the “The Rapture of the Lady”. Mirada Antropológica, 14(16), 90-113. Retrieved from