The Term Labor linked to the social religious Charges system and its implications in the neighborhood organization of San Ildefonso Tultepec, Amealco

  • Julio César Borja Cruz El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C.
Keywords: Otomíes, Work, Charge System, Community


Among the Otomí population of San Ildefonso Tultepec, two meanings of the job category can be distinguished, which in this text will be explored in relation to community organization. On the one hand, this term is linked to the salaried logic established in the national society; at the same time, there is a local categorization associated with a series of tasks and non-salaried exchanges. In both cases, precise performances are required, but it is the local meaning, called doing, that predominates in the ritual sphere.

Author Biography

Julio César Borja Cruz, El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C.

Master in Social Anthropology. The College of Michoacán, A.C.


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How to Cite
Julio César Borja Cruz. (2019). The Term Labor linked to the social religious Charges system and its implications in the neighborhood organization of San Ildefonso Tultepec, Amealco. Mirada Antropológica, 14(16), 44-56. Retrieved from