Build Community from Ritual Action. The Rooster as a Neighborhood Articulator in La Cañada, El Marqués, Querétaro

  • Luis Ernesto Ibarra De Albino Programa Nacional Etnografía de las Regiones Indígenas de México-INAH
Keywords: Neighborhood/Barrio, Ritual, Community, Public Spaces, Socialization


In La Cañada is performed the fiesta del Gallo, a nocturnal celebration where people reunite, carrying roosters made with china paper and reed. That celebration agglutinates different barrios of the population, in this context the following question was stated: How are community ties built through the fiesta del gallo? In order to approach this question, we analyze what occurs in some spaces of festive socialization in which the music prevails, the dance and the communication with artifacts like gallos, santos and estrellas.

Author Biography

Luis Ernesto Ibarra De Albino, Programa Nacional Etnografía de las Regiones Indígenas de México-INAH

Graduate in Anthropology. National Ethnography Program of the Indigenous Regions of Mexico-INAH.


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How to Cite
Luis Ernesto Ibarra De Albino. (2019). Build Community from Ritual Action. The Rooster as a Neighborhood Articulator in La Cañada, El Marqués, Querétaro. Mirada Antropológica, 14(16), 6-16. Retrieved from