From heritage preservation and treatment of historical centers to cultural landscapes

  • Joaquín Sabaté Bel Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Doctorado Urbanismo de la UPC
Keywords: Heritage, historic centres, cultural landscapes


In the first part of the text I analyze the evolution of the heritage concept and of historic centers management, in order to deepen in the conceptual construction of cultural landscapes and in the characteristics of the intervention plans. These discussions are exemplified with some proposals in Latin American cultural landscapes. While most of the master plans of the twentieth century emphasize population dynamics and industrial development in the current century the most interesting proposals are based on a new binomial: nature and culture. That conviction sets up a joint exploration of several researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia whose main results are included here.

Author Biography

Joaquín Sabaté Bel , Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Doctorado Urbanismo de la UPC

PhD architect from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Bachelor of Economics from the Universidad de Barcelona. Professor of Urbanism, professor and researcher at UPC since 1976, Coordinator of the UPC Urbanism Doctorate Program, Chairman of the European Postgraduate Masters of Urbanism.


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How to Cite
Joaquín Sabaté Bel. (2016). From heritage preservation and treatment of historical centers to cultural landscapes. Mirada Antropológica, 11(11), 8-27. Retrieved from