History made of stories about body-territory

  • María Del Consuelo Chapela Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco (UAM-X)
Keywords: Body-territory, space, hegemonic medicine, power


The central commitment of this article is oriented towards the analysis of the body that transcends the merely somatic character that biology has given to it, to have a second thought in extension and its continuity through space from a sociocultural configuration. A critical argument is drawn about the interventions with which hegemonic medicine crosses and disposes of the human bodies, to bring problematization to multiple levels of the subjects’ lives. The conceptualization of body-territory and the implications of power in the process of body invasion and some alternatives of action to confront these processes with an insight to move towards the liberation of these colonized bodies. All this through fragments of articulated stories with notes of conceptual reflection.

Author Biography

María Del Consuelo Chapela, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco (UAM-X)

Professor and researcher at the Department of Health Care, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.


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How to Cite
María Del Consuelo Chapela. (2018). History made of stories about body-territory. Mirada Antropológica, 13(15), 42-55. Retrieved from http://rd.buap.mx/ojs-dm/index.php/mirant/article/view/122