The Journeys of Bahia: following the steps of a young intersex and his/her career at the hospital

  • Shirley Acioly Monteiro de Lima Universidad Federal de São Paulo
  • Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira Universidad Federal de São Paulo
Keywords: Intersex, civil registration, violence, Health service, gender


When an intersex person decides to rejoin the health service in order to question his/her sexual assignment, he/she must necessarily go through different departments. In this trajectory, he/she will interact with different social actors (technicians, nurses, medical doctors) and types of services (secretariat of healthcare, medical clinics and laboratories). This research, developed during two years, allowed us to understand complex itineraries as well as the intersex persons’ solutions and hesitations. Based on this ethnographical experience, this paper will follow one of these trajectories. It will focus on the encounter and the relations established by an adult intersex person and the healthcare groups. From these trajectories, unprecedented forms of perceiving the medical and non-medical practices and actions in the itinerary within the hospital will emerge.

Author Biographies

Shirley Acioly Monteiro de Lima, Universidad Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Sciences, Postgraduate Program in Collective Health, Federal University of São Paulo.

Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira, Universidad Federal de São Paulo

PhD in Anthropology, University of Brasilia, Free Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo.


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How to Cite
Shirley Acioly Monteiro de Lima, & Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira. (2018). The Journeys of Bahia: following the steps of a young intersex and his/her career at the hospital . Mirada Antropológica, 13(15), 17-30. Retrieved from